
"Don't be into trends. Don't make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live" - Gianni Versace

Growing up in Queensland Australia I never felt I belonged in areas of fashion and lifestyle. So after my 7 year relationship ended I decided it was time to find myself and see what was out there.  So I quit my job, gave away most of my belongings and packed only enough clothes, bedding, an iron (those close to me will know why), a side lamp and pushed as much as I could into the back of a Mini Cooper and waved goodbye. 

That brings me to today. I’ve just hit 19 months in Melbourne and I still haven’t found my bearings yet but there is so much here to see and do. I’m technically a foreigner to Melbourne and because I’m always the lab rat and trying things first amongst my friends and family, I thought what the hell maybe its time I documented it.

For those that are close to me will understand.  I’m not normal and I do things different to most.  But as most people have said in the past few months…..”don’t lose your brand”.  I never understood it until now.  My brand is myself and myself is a brand. 

To everyone following my blog…. welcome to my world and I hope you receive a little piece of HARMONY.